Mental health continues to be something our society is talking about and I am so happy to say Self Love Beauty is right alongside speaking about it too. This is something we each deal with differently. Stress and anxiety plays a role in many of our lives in different capacity but one thing is the same, the impact it has on our bodies.

I recently had the opportunity to speak to Ashleigh Sergeant, head of yoga content at, about how yoga can help reduce one’s stress and anxiety levels. I can tell you that after that conversation, I found myself signing up for a yoga class. If you know anything about me, yoga is not always my favorite past time activity however knowing the great effects of yoga, I decided it is time I do it regularly. Some of my friend who I went to yoga with told me about how they would combine cbd with their yoga routine to enhance the relaxation they would gain from their yoga. One friend even decided to go into the cbd because she believed in the power of cbd oil. She would tell me that she was talking to private label cbd manufacturer to begin production how exciting! But anyway, Ashleigh is from New Jersey and has been teaching yoga full time since she was 19. Yoga has shifted her state of mind and has given her the capacity to heel. Yoga has helped her become pain free after she was born with a spinal condition that caused her much pain and emotional stress. This is the sort of amazing impact that yoga training can have; the ability to heal people’s mind as well as their bodies.

We talked about the ways in which yoga can help reduce stress and anxiety including how it can help with digestive issues (yes IBS!).

Ashleigh shared that there are 5 Ways Yoga Can Reduce Stress and Anxiety:

  1. Rewrite your stress response
  2. Create and reset new neural pathways
  3. Digest the parasympathetic nervous system
  4. Evolve emotions of the limbic system
  5. Reduce neurotic symptoms and calm one’s heart rate

You may be reading that thinking – okay so how do I make this possible? Well Ashleigh definitely was able to explain this to me!

I personally was very interested in how to rewrite your stress response and how yoga can help calm the stomach to cause less flare ups with IBS.

My question to Ashleigh was this: So can yoga help someone that has IBS?

I think she was laughing a little inside when she had the answer of a simple… yes.

For those that don’t know IBS is very commonly known right now in society. Many people have this issue from either a reaction from food, bad health, stress, anxiety, etc.

Ashleigh did a great job at sharing with me about how our digestive system is linked to our brain. If we aren’t relaxing our minds, how can we expect our digestive system to be calm? Yoga is a form of resetting the way you think in my opinion.

Yoga gives you the moment to truly give your body self-love. You are one with your body, you are learning to relax your mind, learning how your body moves and finding that inner love you have been searching for.

I have personally taken two yoga classes in just one week after this chat with Ashleigh and for some reason I found myself a little happier this week, I little more relaxed, a little less searching for food for comfort during stress and I found myself well just happy. Now some could say, there is many reasons why this could be but I can tell you, yoga had something to do with it.

In a time where society down plays you if we are not busy enough, we sometimes get stressed; over worked and the list goes on. Yoga gives you a moment to reset your brain, reset your body and move forward believing in yourself. I hope you give yoga a try soon. Beforehand, buying some of the clothes from will ensure you are very comfortable throughout the session.

Self-care is what is going to help you get through the day. So if you are stressed, finding yourself forgetting to take big breaths or just need a change in your health; yoga is one of the answers.

But, we would like to make one thing clear. As much as we stand by yoga and its positive effects on your mind and body, we know that it won’t have the same effect for everyone. Some people could either try it and find that they don’t connect with it as much as they’d like to, or others may give it a go and find that it simply doesn’t help them. And that’s fine. You need to find the best stress and anxiety relief that is effective for your overall health, and if that comes in the form of CBD, or speaking with a therapist, then that choice is completely up to you. But as people who have found a connection with yoga, we suggest that you definitely give it a go first, before looking for any alternative help.

Check out a few of the great videos that Ashleigh shared! These are great tips and you bet I have been trying them all!