My Quarter Life Crisis Careers / Love / Self-Love / Women Empowerment December 11, 2016 Vulnerability is both a blessing and a curse. You feel raw and exposed, yet immensely empowered. You’re emotionally drained, and mentally and physically exhausted all
The Struggles Of Being A Young Professional Careers October 31, 2016 Brace yourself as you start your career Trying to balance the transition of school into career, maintain a thriving social life and figure out where
How To Rock Your Next Job Interview Careers October 20, 2016 During the past 5 weeks, I have gone through more interviews than I can count on my fingers. One common question that I was asked
Stop Living In Fear Of Failure Careers / Love / Self-Love / Women Empowerment October 17, 2016 Life is hard enough already without continuously beating ourselves up with all the things we think we do wrong. Well, I’m here to tell you
A Working Girl’s Guide to De-stressing the Day Careers / Health & Fitness October 8, 2016 We have to give ourselves a break now and then. As we get older, our days become busier and busier. At one time, stress was
When You Feel Unsuccessful Careers / Self-Love October 7, 2016 The world is screaming at you that you’re worthless when God is saying you’re more valuable than the stars in the sky. Ever feel unsuccessful?