Why You Should Stop Searching for Prince Charming Love / Relationships / Women Empowerment December 19, 2014 I could go on for days reciting all of the ‘he better treat me like a princess’, ‘where is my prince charming’ or ‘relationship goals’
An Open Letter to My Little Sister Founder's Story / Love / Relationships / Women Empowerment December 17, 2014 Dear Little Sister, You snapchatted me the other day to ask if you should curl your hair for a family gathering we were having at
Why Independent Women Of This Generation Need To Stop Settling For Less Careers / Founder's Story / Love / Relationships / Self-Love / Women Empowerment December 15, 2014 As a child, my idea of success meant that I would have this high profile job where I told people what to do. I would
Why Being Selfish in Your Twenties is Okay Founder's Story / Love / Self-Love / Women Empowerment December 12, 2014 You are finally on your own or getting to the point where you don’t need to rely on your parents so much. You’ve ditched
How To Ruin Your Life (Without Even Noticing That You Are) Women Empowerment December 7, 2014 This article was written on Thought Catalog by Bianca Sparacino. It was a great article and great perspective so I had to share it! Understand
College: Friendship, Health and Happiness Founder's Story / Love / Women Empowerment December 5, 2014 College. After getting dropped off at your fill in the blank University, you realize becoming more independent never felt so great! It’s your first lick