Ever Felt Like a Hot Mess? Love / Women Empowerment May 15, 2016 Today I find myself sitting on a plane heading to a work event. I am crammed between two people that could careless about communicating but
20 Little Things to Remember Love / Women Empowerment May 10, 2016 The other day I was cleaning out my drawers and I came across this sheet of paper of 20 little things to remember and I
My Weight Is Not Your Business Founder's Story / Health & Fitness / Love / Self-Love May 8, 2016 Guest Blogger Kennedy Caldwell I may have flaws, but they are none of your business. Imagine having spent your entire life never worrying about your weight.
The Day I Realized I was the ‘Chill Girl’ Love / Relationships April 13, 2016 To some up my life, its a bunch of awkward moments rolled into one. I wouldn’t say I am awkward by any means, I would
Part Three: The Next Steps on My Bucket List: 26 Things To Do Before Turning 26 Founder's Story April 7, 2016 In one of more recent articles I talked my bucket list and how there were 26 Things To Do Before I Turn 26. As much as
#ChooseBeautiful: How Do You Describe Yourself? Love / Self-Love April 5, 2016 If someone asked you to choose between describing yourself as beautiful or average, what would you say? If a lot of women were being really