A Letter To the Girl Playing Football Self-Love October 11, 2016 Tonight I sat on my hometown bleachers to watch our homecoming game as I looked around and everything that seemed unfamiliar to me since
Why Is Having Emotions Like Crying A Bad Thing? Love / Self-Love October 6, 2016 Today I went running with my running partner. Just like every run, we chat, we catch up and let’s face it we try to solve
Share Some Happiness Love October 4, 2016 Did you know that happiness is more contagious than the common cold? I am happy to be alive. I am incredibly grateful for the warming
I Am Not Your Doll. I Am A Queen Self-Love / Women Empowerment October 3, 2016 Love Yourself for Who You Are “The day I let go of the weight of my insecurities, flaws, and search for perfection is the day
Is Your Instagram Addiction Healthy? Love / Self-Love / Women Empowerment September 22, 2016 Social media has become almost natural – a given for our generation to take part in. Instead of coming home and watching the news, we
I Am a Work in Progress Careers September 16, 2016 I put my pants on the same way as everyone else—sitting on the bed jamming two legs in at the same time. I deal with