What Can’t We Be Happy For Others? Founder's Story / Love / Women Empowerment February 16, 2014 Friday was Valentine’s Day, a Hallmark holiday as some people call it. A day couples have a romantic date, flowers, cards, candy, and gifts are
4 Reasons why you should let the past go to voicemail Love / Relationships February 16, 2014 Let the past go to voicemail it has nothing new to say. This quote is just beyond true. Don’t get me wrong sometimes the past
Why I Recommend Dancing in Your Underwear Founder's Story / Love / Self-Love / Women Empowerment February 8, 2014 Have you ever danced in your room in your underwear? Have you turned the music up so loud up and just sang and danced like
To the Girl that Made It Founder's Story / Love / Relationships / Women Empowerment February 5, 2014 Have you every thought in your mind…I am not pretty enough, good enough, skinny enough? One of my friends recently went through a point in
She is Still Beautiful Founder's Story / Love / Women Empowerment February 2, 2014 Everyday I read articles on Elite Daily. It is one of those web sites that share stuff for many generations including mine. I recently read
25 Things Lauren Conrad Taught Me Women Empowerment January 21, 2014 Growing up I watched Laguna Beach and The Hills, two shows most people my generation watched and still watch the reruns. Lauren Conrad was my